Let's talk about the wild world of online dating. As a therapist, I've had my fair share of heart-to-hearts about the ins and outs of modern relationships. And let me tell you, with technology creeping into every nook and cranny of our lives, dating is most certainly not for the faint of heart. If you’re out there right now, you are a warrior.

There was a while when I worked in a school and a few teachers and I would have lunch together every day. They shared their stories and horrible yet hilarious accounts of ditched checks, awkward silences, skateboard incidents, a fire started with napkins and a tea candle, and more. The names have been omitted to protect the innocent.
Enter stage left: Artificial Intelligence. Yep, AI has swooped in and turned online dating upside down. Now, these platforms analyze our every move, our likes, dislikes, and quirks, all in the name of finding us the perfect match. You can even use ChapGPT to help craft the perfect text. Sounds pretty slick, right? But it's not all sunshine and rainbows.
See, while AI can be a real game-changer, it also brings a whole new set of challenges to the table. Take authenticity, for example. With algorithms doing the heavy lifting, it's easy to forget there's a real, live human behind every profile. So, while you’re trying to not lose sight of that human touch, you also rely on some robot in the sky to bring you options to choose from, when meeting people organically can be tricky.
And don't even get me started on decision fatigue. Swipe left, swipe right, rinse, repeat... It's enough to make your head spin! That's why I'm all about approaching online dating with a healthy dose of mindfulness and self-awareness. Know what you want, know your boundaries, and remember that this is artificial. Definitely, something real might come from it, but until then, it’s an arcade-like culture of decision making based on first impressions, mood, and filtered photos.
Because, ultimately, this all has nothing to do with your self-worth. In a world where likes and matches are currency, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game. Here's the truth: your worth isn't measured by your online popularity. It's about loving yourself, flaws and all, and knowing you're worthy of real, meaningful connections. Maybe you’ll meet them online, maybe you'll meet them in person, maybe you'll end up single, with a million soul mate friends and a wonderful dog; either way, you’re getting closer to knowing what/who you ultimately want. You’re probably also gathering a pretty amazing rolodex of stories to tell.